Test Data Management

—Lets call this the wordy version–

The SatCom industry is understandably intolerant of risk. Taking a moment to imagine the cost and difficulty of placing a satellite into an orbital slot, then contemplating the feasibility of in-orbit repairs can easily justify the Satellite Industries aversion to risk. The justification for avoiding risk on the satellite link ground segment is easily illustrated by contemplating the pains of multiple irate customer calls should tv screen go black during a key sporting event or reality show marathon due to uplink equipment failure . While caution can prevent painful scenarios, constant risk aversion limits visibility to new technologies and opportunities their application may provide.

chartjsimdSatCom equipment is complex, warranting extensive testing by manufacturers, and Customers mandate data reviews prior to accepting shipments. Typical Automated RF test applications do not take advantage of new technologies. The developers commonly focus on automating the tests to meet associated test labor and throughput time, but little focus is given to storing and plotting the data (ie the results).

Preparing data for contractually required customer reviews is typically cumbersome, extending the time for shipment approvals. Reviewing test data trends to ensure quality metrics and manufacturing process capability is often done only as a reactive measure, rather than preventative, due to the pains of data accessibility,

EIRP’s test data management system sets a new Satcom industry benchmark for test data accessibility by applying Data storage and Data visualization technologies common place in other industries. Graphs of stored results are available via web browser using a powerful graphing engine. Data trends are easily identified using the features of the back-end database. EIRP’s tools improve the customer data review experience, compress data review cycle times, & improve manufacturing process consistency.

Some views of the test data Management dashboards.
