Case Study – Best Buy


Product information management system and understanding the utility they provide can be a nebulus. Best buy’s website has all of the key features and can be used a the gold standard for product information management systems. The site allow search for and comparing a huge number of products, with detailed specification, from several manufacturers. The individual specification items that are constantly changing as new feature are added to products. Just managing the specification items is a amazing task, but then add in the ability to store product images, pricing information, detailed descritpions it becomes just awesome.

Studying the system used by Best Buy is great learning experience. Recently I was again amazed to find that Best Buy has created and maintains an API to allow access to the catalog, ir the main product information database. The documentation provided by best buy is top notch.

Access to the API required an API key that can be assigned by register for their portal just amazing.

The fact thet the restuls from catalog searches are JSON documents just make it have more appeal as this aligns perfectly with MongoDB courses.

Some test links to API are below. Results are returne for various queries

Only returns the sku, name and salePrice attributes for products.

Show the 5 manufacturers for which we have the most flat-panel TVs.
Great API documenttion here

SONY PRODUCTS – First page of results