Available now: Swept RF-to-DC transfer C# App / GitHuB

Its an amazing time to be involved in any aspect of development. The volume of info istantly available on almost all topics, make it thrilling to take on a new test or engineering challenge. The amount of open projects on GitHub than can be cloned, studied, and then improved by collaborator is astounding.

A small but effective C# application to automated RF-to-DC transfer characteristic measurement created by EIRP is now up on GitHub.

EIRP Test App(C#): swept RF-to-DC transfer

A keysight 34401 DMM was externally trigger by a ESG RF sig trigger output that has a nice square wave transition for each point in RF power & Freq sweeps. This app is rough but has some approaches that are used in our larger more powerful apps.

Clone it from git and see it helps your challenge. Here are some high points to see if its applicable:

  • IVI-COM drivers. (SCPI Commands in Comments)
  • DataTable objects used to store results.(Could easily be inserted in database)
  • Chart object used for visualization.
  • Simple Test Sequencer. Reads test definitions from external file


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